"‘Done No Good’ was born out of the fiery depths of despair during the many COVID lockdowns Melbourne faced during the height of the pandemic. Armed with nothing more than a pair of guitars, an abundance of free time and a Netflix account, Auntie Leo’s Dillon Melita & Kole Karavias wrote the song after one of their daily streaming binges lead them to a documentary series called ‘Devil At The Crossroads’, a story about the Mississippi musician Robert Johnson, who many believe sold his soul to the Devil in exchange for his otherworldly skills as a Blues musician.
Drawing influences from some of their more punk and rockabilly inspired heroes such as The Black Lips, Amyl & The Sniffers and The Cramps, the track marks the start of an exciting new chapter for the band as well as a revamped approach to songwriting, fusing their love of all things garage, psych, punk and blues.