I am a commodity. This is a Sagan sale with wholesale prices. Every ounce of dignity must go!
You want a piece of me? I’ll give you a price. I am NOT reclaiming my body, I am relinquishing myself to my fate.
Choose which version of me you’d like to experience. I don’t make any art. I have never in my life made any art. I can’t understand art because I am a literalist. I am a literalist and this is the logical conclusion of society’s treatment of me. You cannot purchase art, you can purchase merchandise. You can purchase a piece of me.
You project your ideas of me and I rise to create what you need me to be. Who am I anymore?
Which Sagan is the real one? You decide.
My influences are the blurred lines between selling my time and company for cash and how I leverage myself in relationships (with little financial return). I’m drawing a clear line now on how others can have access to me.